Resolve to Save Lives’ Voices of Long COVID campaign was conceived with the purpose of addressing vaccine hesitancy in young adults through credible testimonials from a diverse group of previously healthy 18-29 year olds struggling with persistent health problems as a result of a COVID-19 infection. Through their testimonials and their bravery, they also gave a voice to the tens of thousands of people suffering through what has come to be known as Long COVID.

The casting process was intense as we came to hear so many incredibly compelling stories and we knew they all deserved to be heard. As we made our final selections of Katelyn, Rob and Isaiah, we wanted to make sure we respected the authenticity of each individual story. Every detail of the shoot and every broll setup was thoroughly vetted with the participants to make sure we were truly capturing their story.
One of our participants is bilingual and so we were able to conduct Rob’s interview in both English and Spanish, allowing us to also produce a series of spots for the U.S. Hispanic market.

Our participants (and shoots) were spread across the U.S. with Rob in California, Kaitlyn in Missouri and Isaiah in Indiana. With COVID precautions in mind, we kept the crews to a bare minimum and set up a virtual video village for our clients which also included a live stream of the cameras for them to view, allowing them to stay home but have as much interaction with the Director and Director of Photography as if they were attending the shoot in person.

Cerebral Lounge produced spots for TV, Web, Digital and social, but our sister groups Clean Cuts and Gigawatt Group pitched in with radio spots and banner ads as well.